Terry Frederick

Professional Development and Performance Improvement Specialist

Milwaukee, WI

Employment History of Terry Frederick

Aurora Health Care

Professional Development and Performance Improvement Specialist

Medical College of Wisconsin

Program Coordinator for Continuing Medical Education

Medical College of Wisconsin

Program Manager Academic Affairs

Aurora Health Care

Manager of Medical Education

Aurora Health Care

Manager of Undergraduate Medical Education and Clinician Students

Medical College of Wisconsin

Coordinator of Academic Innovations

Medical College of Wisconsin

Manager Faculty Affairs

National MS Society

Volunteer Cooordinator, Outreach, Education

Schools Attended by Terry Frederick

University of Wisconsin-Whitewater

Mayo Medical School

National Institute of Industrial Engineering

Others that have worked at the same companies
Senior Associate Consultant at aurora.org

Vice President Supply Chain at aurora.org

President and Chief Talent Officer at aurora.org

Managing Editor at mcw.edu

Selective surgical pathology fellow at mcw.edu

Attending Physician at mcw.edu