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Julia Akers

Director of Marketing Communications

Asheville, North Carolina

Employment History of Julia Akers

The Omni Grove Park Inn

Director of Marketing Communications

Lake Lanier Islands Resort, NE Georgia

Marketing Director

KSL Resorts

Marketing Communications Director


Independent Consultant

The Grove Park Inn & The Homestead

Regional Director of Marketing Communications

Schools Attended by Julia Akers

Hollins University

Others that have worked at the same companies
Operations Lead at Facebook Reality Labs at omnihotels.com

General Manager at omnihotels.com

Sales and Reservations coordinator at omnihotels.com

Marketing and Operations Executive | Consultant at kslresorts.com

Global Sales Director at kslresorts.com

Marketing and E-Commerce at kslresorts.com

Senior Director of Development at groveparkinn.com

Customer Relations and Public Relations and Media Relations and Community Relations and Event Producer at groveparkinn.com

Product Manager at groveparkinn.com