Ayse Lowe

Founding President of Clerkenwell Speakers

London, GB

Employment History of Ayse Lowe

Toastmasters International

Founding President of Clerkenwell Speakers

Burford Capital

Senior Technical Underwriter

Bench Walk Advisors LLC

Vice President

Burford Capital

Senior Underwriter and Team Leader

Bench Walk Advisors LLC

Global Head of Origination

Bench Walk Advisors LLC


Blue Water Benefits

Originator and Technical Manager

Schools Attended by Ayse Lowe

Nottingham Law School

Chartered Insurance Institute

Nottigham Law School

Others that have worked at the same companies
Senior Developer at aig.com

Souscriptrice Risques Environnementaux at aig.com

Product Officer - Private and Not-For-Profit Management Liability at aig.com

Regional Sales Operations Leader at ajg.com

Vice President at ajg.com

Director of Applications - Canada at ajg.com

Managing Director at benchwalk.com

Vice President at benchwalk.com