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Alexys Larsen

Accounting Associate and Payroll

Council Bluffs, IA

Employment History of Alexys Larsen

Green Hills AEA

Accounting Associate and Payroll

Hamilton Associates, P.C.

Accounting Intern

Hills Bank and Trust Company

Mortgage Loan Assistant

Milo Bail Student Center

Student Worker - Business Office

Green Hills AEA

Staff Accountant

Iowa Wolves

Iowa Wolves Practicum Student

Arbor Day Foundation

Accounting Assistant


Linkedin Learning Student Champion

University of Iowa Volleyball

Student Manager

Schools Attended by Alexys Larsen

Sidney High School

The University of Iowa Tippie College of Business

University of Nebraska at Omaha

Others that have worked at the same companies
School Social Worker at ghaea.org

Field Director at Green Hills Area Education Agency at ghaea.org

Speech Language Pathologist at ghaea.org