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Alexandra Pedrini

Social Media and Content Senior Strategist

Employment History of Alexandra Pedrini

Johnson & Sekin

Social Media and Content Senior Strategist

American Cancer Society

College Intern

Greyhound Lines, Inc.

Social Engagement Specialist

Presidential Inaugural Committee

Digital Lead, Arizona

Obama for America

Volunteer Regional Field Director, Summer Fellow

Obama for America

Digital and Press Lead - AZ

Obama for America

Special Projects Coordinator

Greyhound Lines, Inc.

Senior Specialist, Social Engagement

Greyhound Lines, Inc.

Communications Specialist

Organizing for Action

State Digital and Press Lead

Schools Attended by Alexandra Pedrini

Texas Tech University

Others that have worked at the same companies
Director of Technology and Operations at greyhound.com

Supply Chain Manager at greyhound.com

Director, Partnerships Marketing at johnsonandsekin.com

ACD Art Director at johnsonandsekin.com