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Abigail Shapiro

Youth Development Volunteer

Point Reyes Station, CA

Employment History of Abigail Shapiro

Peace Corps

Youth Development Volunteer

National Park Service

Interpretation Intern

California State Parks

Seasonal Park Aide

National Park Service

Social Services Aid

National Park Service

Volunteer Coordinator Assistant Intern

National Park Service

Administrative Assistant

National Park Service

Vegetation Program Volunteer Coordinator

UC Merced

Peer Advisor, Office of International Affairs

Schools Attended by Abigail Shapiro

University of California, Merced

St. Ignatius College Preparatory

Others that have worked at the same companies
Robotics Engineer at ucmerced.edu

Laboratory Technician at ucmerced.edu

Substitute Teacher at ucmerced.edu

Country Director at peacecorps.gov

External Vice President of Statewide Affairs at peacecorps.gov

Senior Photo Editor at peacecorps.gov

Structural Engineer - Project Manager at nps.gov

Concessions Manager at nps.gov