
EDI Environmental Dynamics International


Details about EDI Environmental Dynamics International

EDI, established in 1975 in Columbia, Missouri, joined the bandwagon and has been innovating, perfecting, and revolutionizing aeration technologies ever since. Today, cities, utilities, and operators of a vast network of publicly-owned municipal wastewater treatment plants are working hard in the background to restore and maintain the chemical, physical and biological integrity of the nation’s waters; treating municipal wastewater collected from homes, businesses and industries before it is discharged to water bodies or land, or reused – serving over 75% of the nation’s population.

Employees at EDI Environmental Dynamics International
Manager - Human Resources at EDI Environmental Dynamics International

Marketing and Innovation Strategist at EDI Environmental Dynamics International

EDI Environmental Dynamics International

General Manager Operation India at EDI Environmental Dynamics International

Marketing and Innovation Strategist at EDI Environmental Dynamics International