Details about
Employees at
Full Professor

Associate Professor

Full Professor

Assistant Professor (RTDA)

Presidente Comitato Etico per la Sperimentazione Umana (CESU), Dipartimento Scienze Biomediche

Department of Economics, Statistics and Laws

Associate Professor

Associate Professor

Associate Professor


DBA, IT Project Manager, Software and System Analyst, Software Developer

Associate Professor

Full Professor - Professore Ordinario


Professor of Public Economics

R and D Engineer

Founding Partner

Program Coordinator

Associate Professor

Associate Professor


Co-fondatore e Direttore Responsabile

E-learning Project manager

Co-Founder and Project Engineer

Professore associato

Responsabile di Struttura Semplice Dipartimentale Chirurgia Tumori eredo-famigliari

Head - Education Innovation and Digital Communication Unit

Associate Professor of Economics

Clinical Research Associate

Assistant Professor

Associate Professor

Head of Health Dept.

Associate Professor

Professore Associato

CEO and CTO, Co-founder

Associate Professor

professor in Paediatric Dentistry and Laser Surgery

Corporate eHealth Innovation manager

Internationalzation Manager @Master Programme in International Business and Entrepreneurship (MIBE)

Head of the Department of Physics