
State Oil Co Inc


Details about State Oil Co Inc

Employees at State Oil Co Inc
Manager Hse and Facility at State Oil Co Inc

Senior Engineering and Maintenance Specialist at State Oil Co Inc

Available for Employment. Interested in Geothermal energy at State Oil Co Inc

Sr Process Operator Refinery Hydrocracker Unit at State Oil Co Inc

Manager Procurement Downstream at State Oil Co Inc

ICT Manager at State Oil Co Inc

Technial Services Manager at State Oil Co Inc

Superintendent EOR Operations and Waste Treatment at State Oil Co Inc

State Oil Co Inc

Project Manager at State Oil Co Inc

Consultant at State Oil Co Inc

Managing Consultant at State Oil Co Inc

Independent Consultant at State Oil Co Inc

Managing Director at State Oil Co Inc

IOR and EOR Program Manager at State Oil Co Inc

State Oil Co Inc

Refinery HSE Manager at State Oil Co Inc

Industrial Services Manager at State Oil Co Inc

Director at State Oil Co Inc

Project Lead at State Oil Co Inc

Superintendent Sales Administration at State Oil Co Inc

HSE Representative at State Oil Co Inc

Sr. Head of HR Downstream at State Oil Co Inc

Loading master at State Oil Co Inc

Director Staatsolie Hydrocarbon Institute at State Oil Co Inc

Advisor at State Oil Co Inc

Sr. Reliability Rotating Equipment Engineer at State Oil Co Inc

Managing Director at State Oil Co Inc