


Details about Soldo

Unlock the full potential of your financial operations with Soldo's spend management solutions. Liberate finance with the tools to focus on more strategic goals and accomplish more.

Employees at Soldo
Finance Accountant Lead at Soldo

Senior Vice President of Global Sales at Soldo

Marketing at Soldo

Design Lead at Soldo

Interim Financial Controller at Soldo

Chief Product Officer at Soldo

Backend Development Manager and Software Architect at Soldo

Data Management Specialist at Soldo

Chief Financial Officer at Soldo

Chairman of the Board of Directors at Soldo

UX Writer at Soldo

Senior Account Executive at Soldo

Group Ap Manager at Soldo

Customer Interaction Team Leader UK at Soldo

Account Executive at Soldo

Lead User Interface Designer at Soldo

Director Of Finance And Accounting at Soldo

Risk and Operations Manager at Soldo

Group Finance Director at Soldo

Account Executive at Soldo

Product Specialist at Soldo

Account Executive at Soldo

FP and A - Commercial analysis lead at Soldo

UI Designer at Soldo

Product Marketing Lead | Italy at Soldo

Director of Activation and Retention (Lifecycle Marketing) at Soldo

Senior Product Manager at Soldo

Head of System Integration Unit at Soldo

CEO at Soldo