
Electronic Components Distributor Singapore I Serial System



Details about Electronic Components Distributor Singapore I Serial System

Serial System Ltd is a leading electronic components distributor in Asia, specializing in bridging supply chain gaps and streamlining operations for suppliers and manufacturers. With a customer base of over 5,000 across diverse industries, they offer a...

Employees at Electronic Components Distributor Singapore I Serial System
Senior Business Manager at Electronic Components Distributor Singapore I Serial System

Electronic Components Distributor Singapore I Serial System

Group Chief Operating Officer at Electronic Components Distributor Singapore I Serial System

Electronic Components Distributor Singapore I Serial System

General Manager-PM at Electronic Components Distributor Singapore I Serial System

Sales Operations and Business Development Director at Electronic Components Distributor Singapore I Serial System

Finance Manager - AR and AP at Electronic Components Distributor Singapore I Serial System

Director - Sales and Marketing at Electronic Components Distributor Singapore I Serial System

Electronic Components Distributor Singapore I Serial System

Co-Founder at Electronic Components Distributor Singapore I Serial System

Service Operation Manager at Electronic Components Distributor Singapore I Serial System