
RRC - Deeply rooted. Boldly relevant.


Details about RRC - Deeply rooted. Boldly relevant.

Learn Biblical Hebrew Online with RRC Faculty Join Tamar Kamionkowski for 12 sessions starting in June to learn the foundations of Hebrew, deepen your understanding of the language and start to read Biblical texts. Learn more & register now https://youtu.be/IGu4P7w3MSw We're Ready to Meet You Learn About Student Life Learn About Hands-On Experience at RRC



Employees at RRC - Deeply rooted. Boldly relevant.
Vice President Innovation and Impact at RRC - Deeply rooted. Boldly relevant.

President and CEO at RRC - Deeply rooted. Boldly relevant.

Life Skills Specialist at RRC - Deeply rooted. Boldly relevant.

Archivist at RRC - Deeply rooted. Boldly relevant.

Administrator of Kolot: Center for Jewish Women and Gender Studies at RRC - Deeply rooted. Boldly relevant.