
Roxar Inc


Details about Roxar Inc
Employees at Roxar Inc
Senior Software Engineer at Roxar Inc

Vice President in Downhole at Roxar Inc

Finance Director at Roxar Inc

Senior Geologist and Geomodeller at Exploration, Marginal Fields, and FDP at Roxar Inc

Board Member at Roxar Inc

Vice President Cloud Solutions at Roxar Inc

Geologist, reservoir modeller at Roxar Inc

Regional Sales Manager at Roxar Inc

Director of Operations at Roxar Inc

Roxar Inc

Principal Software Developer at Roxar Inc

Project Manager at Roxar Inc

Area Sales Manager at Roxar Inc

Software Project Manager at Roxar Inc

Vice President and General Manager at Roxar Inc

Project Manager at Roxar Inc

Senior Accountant at Roxar Inc

Co-Founder and Managing Partner at Roxar Inc

Roxar Inc

Corporate Accounting Manager at Roxar Inc

Project Manager at Roxar Inc

Offshore Broker at Roxar Inc

Project Manager at Roxar Inc

Roxar Inc

Principal Solutions Consultant at Roxar Inc

Co-Founder at Roxar Inc

Manager at Roxar Inc