


Le Saint-Mathieu, 3175 Chemin des Quatre-Bourgeois #200, Québec, QC G1W 2K7, Canada

Details about Coveo

Coveo uses AI to personalize millions of digital experiences for every single one of your customers, dealers, partners and employees.


+1 418 266 1583

Year Founded


Employees at Coveo
Founding Team | Product at Coveo

Co-Founder and CEO at Coveo

Director of Growth at Coveo

Head of Accounts, Europe at Coveo

Head of Constituency Engagement at Coveo

Co-Founder at Coveo

Team Lead, Professional Services at Coveo

Client Engineer at Coveo

Brand and Event Lead at Coveo

Head Of Marketing at Coveo

Co-founder and CTO at Coveo

Strategy Director, Office of the CEO at Coveo

Chief Product Officer at Coveo

Sr. Account Executive EMEA at Coveo

Staff Engineer at Coveo

Founder at Coveo

VP of Customer Success at Coveo

International Recruitment Manager - Core Software Engineering at Coveo

Senior Engagement Manager, Team Lead at Coveo

Delivery Manager at Coveo

Demand Generation, EMEA at Coveo

Member at Coveo

Delivery Manager at Coveo

Head Of Revenue Operations at Coveo

Enterprise Account Executive at Coveo

Head Of Partnerships at Coveo

Senior Software Engineer at Coveo

Senior Client Success Manager at Coveo

Senior Manger at Coveo

Head of Geographic Analysis at Coveo

Chief Operating Officer at Coveo

Chief Revenue Officer at Coveo

Field Marketing Manager, EMEA at Coveo

Chief Marketing Officer at Coveo

Principal at Coveo

Co-Founder at Coveo

Senior Product Manager at Coveo

Account Executive - HiTech Major Accounts at Coveo

Senior Manager, Revenue Lead at Coveo

Co-Founder at Coveo

Head of Design at Coveo

Senior Manager, Solution Architecture at Coveo

Co-Founder at Coveo

Marketing and Communications - Salesforce Innovation Center at Coveo

Director of Product at Coveo

Customer Onboarding Manager @Oneflow 💫 at Coveo