
qordata is a Data-Driven Compliance Platform Provider


Details about qordata is a Data-Driven Compliance Platform Provider

qordata is the leading provider of advanced and data-driven compliance platforms that are designed to simplify compliance for Life Sciences companies in the age of growing complexity.



Employees at qordata is a Data-Driven Compliance Platform Provider
COO at qordata is a Data-Driven Compliance Platform Provider

Head Of Marketing at qordata is a Data-Driven Compliance Platform Provider

Digital Marketing Executive at qordata is a Data-Driven Compliance Platform Provider

Regional Marketing Manager - South Asia Middle East Africa at qordata is a Data-Driven Compliance Platform Provider

IT Technician at qordata is a Data-Driven Compliance Platform Provider

Technical Architect at qordata is a Data-Driven Compliance Platform Provider

Product Owner at qordata is a Data-Driven Compliance Platform Provider

Chief Operating Officer at qordata is a Data-Driven Compliance Platform Provider

Senior Engineering Manager at qordata is a Data-Driven Compliance Platform Provider