Details about

Qatar District Cooling Company (Qatar Cool) was incorporated in November 2003 as a Qatari Private Shareholding Company. The Company’s founding shareholders are the United Development Company PSC (UDC) of Qatar (91.06%) and other local prominent shareholders (8.94%).</p> <p>Qatar Cool is the leading district cooling company in Qatar. Since its inception, Qatar Cool has aimed for operational excellence in every aspect of its business. Over the past 18 years, the company has developed solid technical and operational experience and has refined its approach on both business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) fronts.

Employees at
Head of Quality - Data Management

Procurement and Contract Manager

Maintenance Manager

Chief Development Officer

Executive Assistant- CEO QatarCool

Chief Financial Officer

Maintenance and Reliability Professional

Accounting Manager

Human Resources Manager