
Presentation High School


Details about Presentation High School

Presentation High School is an independent, college preparatory high school located in San Jose, CA. Rooted in Catholic values and welcoming of all faiths, “Pres” empowers young women to become fearless and faithful leaders determined to serve the world.

Employees at Presentation High School
High School Principal at Presentation High School

Affinity Programs Gift Officer at Presentation High School

Presentation High School

Head of School at Presentation High School

Special Event Coordinator at Presentation High School

Executive Director, Career Exploration Office at Presentation High School

Presentation High School

Counselor at Presentation High School

Director of Campus Ministry at Presentation High School

Presentation High School

Controller at Presentation High School

Associate Director of College Counseling at Presentation High School

Senior Program Manager at Presentation High School

Public Relations Manager at Presentation High School

Platform Success Manager at Presentation High School