
The Plastek Group


Details about The Plastek Group

Find the solutions for your plastic packaging, engineering and design needs with The Plastek Group. Contact us today!

Employees at The Plastek Group
Tool Engineer at The Plastek Group

Toolroom Manager at The Plastek Group

PM Mechanic at The Plastek Group

Mold Designer at The Plastek Group

The Plastek Group

The Plastek Group

The Plastek Group

General Manager at The Plastek Group

The Plastek Group

Director Of Operations at The Plastek Group

Senior Accountant at The Plastek Group

The Plastek Group

The Plastek Group

The Plastek Group

The Plastek Group

Corporate Marketing Manager at The Plastek Group

Creo Mold Designer at The Plastek Group

The Plastek Group

Solutions Specialist at The Plastek Group

The Plastek Group

The Plastek Group

General Manager at The Plastek Group

Quality Engineer at The Plastek Group

Human Resources and General Affairs Manager at The Plastek Group

The Plastek Group

Warehouse Supervisor at The Plastek Group

The Plastek Group

mold designer at The Plastek Group

First Article Manager at The Plastek Group

General Manager at The Plastek Group

Mold Designer at The Plastek Group