
New York State Bar Association


Details about New York State Bar Association
Employees at New York State Bar Association
Lawyer at New York State Bar Association

Lawyer Assistance Program Director at New York State Bar Association

Incoming Law Student at New York State Bar Association

Senior Marketing and Member Engagement Specialist at New York State Bar Association

Deputy Commissioner at New York State Bar Association

Content and Communications Specialist at New York State Bar Association

Managing Member at New York State Bar Association

Executive Director at New York State Bar Association

New York State Bar Association

Section Liaison; Diversity Coordinator at New York State Bar Association

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee Member at New York State Bar Association

New York State Bar Association

Attorney-at-Law at New York State Bar Association

Managing Partner at New York State Bar Association

Deputy General Counsel and Director of Public Interest at New York State Bar Association

Litigation Attorney at New York State Bar Association

Chief Communications Strategist at New York State Bar Association

New York State Bar Association

Server at New York State Bar Association

New York State Bar Association

Second Vice-Chair, Entertainment, Arts, and Sports Law Section (EASL) at New York State Bar Association

Director of Undergraduate Cybersecurity and Professor of Practice at New York State Bar Association

Former Chief Staff Liaison at New York State Bar Association

Assistant Executive Director and Director of Marketing and Communications at New York State Bar Association

Program Manager at New York State Bar Association

International Relations Manager at New York State Bar Association

New York State Bar Association

Chief Section Staff Liaison at New York State Bar Association