
Next Games


Details about Next Games

We are now a Netflix Studio! We share a profound love for games, a burning desire and an ambitious strategy to develop lasting global mobile entertainment.

Employees at Next Games
UA Lead at Next Games

Chief Executive Officer at Next Games

Next Games

Ua Lead at Next Games

Admin Lead at Next Games

Game Designer at Next Games

Talent Acquisition Manager at Next Games

Senior Producer at Next Games

PX Specialist and Community Manager at Next Games

Principal Consultant, Owner at Next Games

Co-Founder at Next Games

Lead Cloud Architect at Next Games

Talent Manager at Next Games

CEO at Next Games

Senior Technical Artist at Next Games

Lead Product Manager at Next Games

Business Analyst at Next Games

Head Of Marketing at Next Games

People and Culture Specialist at Next Games

Chief Product Officer at Next Games

Tech Owner at Next Games

Company Art Director at Next Games

Chief People and Culture Officer at Next Games

Games Analyst, Business Intelligence at Next Games

Founder and CEO at Next Games

Chief Development Officer at Next Games

Chief Product Officer at Next Games

CEO at Next Games

Co-founder at Next Games

Project Lead at Next Games

IT Director at Next Games

Game Programmer at Next Games

Marketing Artist at Next Games

Chief Operations Officer at Next Games

Chief Technology Officer at Next Games

Head Of Analytics at Next Games

Principal Programmer at Next Games