
Michel Kooper


Details about Michel Kooper

Michel Kooper is a senior artist and game developer who is currently working on overhauling his website. In the meantime, you can view his work and projects on his ArtStation and LinkedIn pages.

Employees at Michel Kooper
Michel Kooper

Michel Kooper

Michel Kooper

Tax Accountant at Michel Kooper

Retired at Michel Kooper

President at Michel Kooper

Michel Kooper

Administrative Secretary at Michel Kooper

Michel Kooper

Michel Kooper

Yoga practitioner for children with special needs at Michel Kooper

Michel Kooper

Michel Kooper

Sales rep at Michel Kooper

Michel Kooper

Independent fitness and health coach at Michel Kooper

Multilingual Learner Tutor at Michel Kooper

Senior Technical Sales Representative at Michel Kooper

CFO at Michel Kooper

Michel Kooper

Michel Kooper

General Manager at Michel Kooper

Artist at Michel Kooper

Michel Kooper

Outside Sales Representative at Michel Kooper