
Level Ex


Details about Level Ex

World's leading medical video game studio using cutting-edge video game tech to empower commercial teams with highly engaging tools.

Employees at Level Ex
VP, Pharma at Level Ex

Creative Project Manager at Level Ex

Senior Full Stack Engineer at Level Ex

Product Manager at Level Ex

Senior Software Engineer at Level Ex

Director Of Engineering at Level Ex

Area Vice President, Account Strategy at Level Ex

Senior and Lead Game Designer and Game Design Manager at Level Ex

Level Ex

Associate Marketing Manager at Level Ex

VP of Engineering at Level Ex

Senior Vice President GM Life Sciences at Level Ex

Director of Talent Acquisition at Level Ex

Director of Publishing at Level Ex

VP Team Lead at Level Ex

Sound Designer at Level Ex

User Interface and User Experience Artist at Level Ex

UI Designer at Level Ex

Vice President of Sales at Level Ex

Venture Fellowship and Startup Mentor, Mit Sandbox Innovation Fund at Level Ex

UI Designer at Level Ex