
Lancaster Bible College


Details about Lancaster Bible College

Lancaster Bible College | Capital Seminary & Graduate School is an accredited Bible college and seminary, which offers associate to doctoral degrees delivered through on-campus, hybrid and online courses. The college seeks to educate Christian students to think and live a biblical worldview and to proclaim Christ by serving Him in the Church and society.



Employees at Lancaster Bible College
Lancaster Bible College

Solar Project Manager at Lancaster Bible College

Vice President of Human Resources at Lancaster Bible College

Volunteer Career Counselor at Lancaster Bible College

President at BCM International at Lancaster Bible College

Media Director at Lancaster Bible College

Adjunct Professor at Lancaster Bible College

Writing Center Director at Lancaster Bible College

Associate VP of Human Resources at Lancaster Bible College

President at Lancaster Bible College

Client service supervisor at Lancaster Bible College

Microsoft Technical Trainer at Lancaster Bible College

Lancaster Bible College

System Administrator at Lancaster Bible College

Office assistant at Lancaster Bible College

Managing Partner | Legal Advice | Small Business Attorney at Lancaster Bible College

Mathematics Instructor at Lancaster Bible College

Director of Human Resources at Lancaster Bible College