
Klein, Thorpe and Jenkins, Ltd.


Details about Klein, Thorpe and Jenkins, Ltd.

Klein, Thorpe & Jenkins, Ltd. handles Illinois municipal law, education law, estate planning, labor law, election law, litigation and construction law cases



Employees at Klein, Thorpe and Jenkins, Ltd.
Partner at Klein, Thorpe and Jenkins, Ltd.

Senior Employee Relations Manager at Klein, Thorpe and Jenkins, Ltd.

Law Firm President at Klein, Thorpe and Jenkins, Ltd.

Attorney at Klein, Thorpe and Jenkins, Ltd.

Partner and Board of Directors and Past President at Klein, Thorpe and Jenkins, Ltd.

Partner at Klein, Thorpe and Jenkins, Ltd.

Klein, Thorpe and Jenkins, Ltd.

Klein, Thorpe and Jenkins, Ltd.

Legal and Policy Advisor to Commissioner Carrigan at Klein, Thorpe and Jenkins, Ltd.

Vice President, Digital and Marketing Technologies at Klein, Thorpe and Jenkins, Ltd.

Partner, Director, Litigation Department Head at Klein, Thorpe and Jenkins, Ltd.

Associate Attorney at Klein, Thorpe and Jenkins, Ltd.

Klein, Thorpe and Jenkins, Ltd.