


Capital Region of Denmark, Denmark

Details about KAB

KAB is a company that manages around 70,000 public and municipal housing units in the capital region. They also provide services in energy management and construction consultancy, catering to the needs of over 60 housing organizations with approximatel...

Year Founded


Employees at KAB
Officeassistant at KAB

HR og Administrationschef at KAB

Centerchef at KAB

Driftschef at KAB

Projektleder at KAB

Energi- Og Varmekonsulent at KAB

CEO - administrerede direktør at KAB

Web Coordinator at KAB

Client Operations Manager (Forretningsfører_Bygherrerepræsentant) at KAB

Projektleder at KAB

IT-driftstekniker at KAB

Driftschef at KAB

Konsulent i specialkundeenheden at KAB

Boligsocial Fritidsjobkonsulent at KAB

Byudviklingschef at KAB

Direktør at KAB

Kundechef at KAB

Chefkonsulent at KAB

Chief Developer at KAB

Formand, bestyrelse at KAB

Økonomimedarbejder at KAB

Seniorprojektleder at KAB