
Department of Jobs



Details about Department of Jobs

The Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation coordinates the development of major resource and infrastructure projects and works to attract strategic investment in Western Australia. Our website is moving in November 2020 to www.wa.gov.au, w...


+61 8 6277 3000

Employees at Department of Jobs
Principal Policy Officer - Space at Department of Jobs

Project Officer at Department of Jobs

WA Trade and Investment Commissioner, India-Gulf at Department of Jobs

Associate Director PwC Australia - Integrated Infrastructure at Department of Jobs

Principal Policy Officer at Department of Jobs

Chief Scientist of Western Australia at Department of Jobs

Deputy Director General Industry, Science, Innovation at Department of Jobs

Chief Executive Officer at Department of Jobs

Manager, Advanced Manufacturing Industry Development at Department of Jobs

Manager Procurement and Contracts at Department of Jobs

Project Manager - Green Energy Major Projects at Department of Jobs

Deputy Director General, Resources and Project Facilitation at Department of Jobs

Acting Director Management Accounting at Department of Jobs

Principal Business Development Officer at Department of Jobs

Manager, Strategic Policy at Department of Jobs

Senior Legal Counsel at Department of Jobs