Details about

Hume City Council Website

Employees at
Chief Information Officer

Chief Information Officer

Acting Coordinator Internal Communications

Emergency Management Coordinator

Major Developments Planner

Non Exectutive Director

City Community Planner

Municipal Building Surveyor

Coordinator Economic Development and Tourism

Senior Planning Officer

Strategic Advisor, Office of CEO

Community Infrastructure Planner

Senior HR Advisor, Organisational Development

Team Lead, Home Care Packages, Community Health and Wellbeing

Transitioning to retirement

Manager Economic Development

Parks Coordinator

Team leader Horticulture

General Manager Early Years

Manager Community Health and Wellbeing

Team Leader Subdivision Civil Approvals (Engineering)

Chief of Staff

PA to Director Planning and Development

Brand and Communications Manager

Manager Young, Inclusive and Ageing Communities


Library branch Co-ordinator

Economic Development

Director City Services and Living

Manager Organisational Performance and Strategy