
EY Seren


Details about EY Seren

We help organisations achieve growth by serving the needs of people and the planet.

Employees at EY Seren
Data Strategist at EY Seren

Ey Seren Partner Product and Experience Design Practice Leader at EY Seren

UX and UI Design Lead at EY Seren

Global Service Designer, Lead at EY Seren

Product and Service Director at EY Seren

Director, Service Design at EY Seren

Product Manager at EY Seren

Chief Design Officer at EY Seren

Director of European Operations at EY Seren

Director at EY Seren

Practice Director, Research and Insight at EY Seren

Brand and Content Practice Director at EY Seren

Operations Director at EY Seren

Head of People at EY Seren

Senior Manager at EY Seren

Principal Design Consultant at EY Seren

Chief Customer Officer - European Innovation- Accenture at EY Seren