
Elliott Management


Details about Elliott Management

Elliott Investment Management is one of the oldest fund managers of its kind under continuous management. We aim to protect and grow our client capital consistently over time.

Employees at Elliott Management
General Partner at Elliott Management

Co-Founder at Elliott Management

Managing Director at Elliott Management

Elliott Management

Head Of Recruitment at Elliott Management

Board Member at Elliott Management

Portfolio Management at Elliott Management

Analyst at Elliott Management

Commodities Analyst at Elliott Management

Managing Director at Elliott Management

Elliott Management

Global Head of Human Resources at Elliott Management

General Partner at Elliott Management

Owner, Camp Crescent Cove at Elliott Management

Elliott Management

Chief Operations Officer and General Counsel at Elliott Management

Senior Portfolio Manager at Elliott Management

Chief Investment Officer at Elliott Management

Elliott Management

Head of Primary Research at Elliott Management

Chief Financial Officer at Elliott Management

Associate Portfolio Manager at Elliott Management

Associate Portfolio Manager at Elliott Management

Associate at Elliott Management

Managing Director at Elliott Management

Portfolio Manager at Elliott Management

Managing Director at Elliott Management

Portfolio Manager at Elliott Management

Founder and Managing Member at Elliott Management

Elliott Management

Elliott Management

Head of Human Resources, Financial Services at Elliott Management

Managing Director at Elliott Management

Co-Founder & CTO at Albert at Elliott Management

Partner at Elliott Management

Head of Human Resources at Elliott Management

Director Of Safety at Elliott Management

Board Member at Elliott Management

Director of Operations at Elliott Management

Lead Electrical Technician MCFT at Elliott Management