
Community Legal Services


Details about Community Legal Services

Community Legal Services (CLS) provides free legal advice and representation to low income residents of Philadelphia. Get legal help and learn about issues.

Employees at Community Legal Services
Health Writer at Community Legal Services

Chief Financial Officer at Community Legal Services

Deputy Director of IT Systems at Community Legal Services

Senior Attorney at Community Legal Services

Staff Attorney - Housing Unit at Community Legal Services

Associate Lawyer at Community Legal Services

Finance and Info Systems Director at Community Legal Services

Office Administrator, Employment and Intake Unit at Community Legal Services

Public Policy Advisor at Community Legal Services

Executive Assistant at Community Legal Services

Executive Assistant at Community Legal Services

Community Legal Services

Director of Advancement and Compliance at Community Legal Services

Tech Support and Training Technician at Community Legal Services

Staff Attorney at Community Legal Services

Supervising Attorney at Community Legal Services

Managing Attorney at Community Legal Services

Community Legal Services

Bilingual Staff Attorney at Community Legal Services

Community Legal Services

Community Legal Services

Managing Attorney at Community Legal Services

Community Legal Services