
President East Co


Details about President East Co

正泰集团股份有限公司始创于1984年,是全球知名的智慧能源系统解决方案提供商。创立39年来,正泰始终聚精会神干实业、一门心思创品牌,深入践行“产业化、科技化、国际化、数字化、平台化”战略举措,形成了“绿色能源、智能电气、智慧低碳”三大板块和“正泰国际、科创孵化”两大平台,业务遍及140多个国家和地区,全球员工4万余名,2022年集团营业收入1237亿元,连续二十余年上榜中国企业 500强。

Employees at President East Co
Procurement Director at President East Co

President East Co

Country Director at President East Co

Director Of Research Development at President East Co

Human Resources Manager at President East Co

Global Strategic Marketing Planner (Industrial), Global Marketing Leader (Rail, NBD) at President East Co

Director Of Sales Marketing at President East Co

Director Marketing and PLM at President East Co

President East Co

President East Co

President of Cloud Platform Institute at President East Co

UK and International Sales and Marketing Consultant at President East Co

Head of T and D Sales Spain at President East Co

President East Co

Deputy Sales Director at President East Co

President East Co

President East Co