
Cape Fear Community College


Details about Cape Fear Community College

Top-ranked programs, affordable education, and excellent student life. Get your associate degree, a rewarding career, or take some classes.

Employees at Cape Fear Community College
Enterprise Applications Administrator (ECM) at Cape Fear Community College

Director Human Services Addiction and Recovery & Mental Health at Cape Fear Community College

Childbirth Educator and Doula at Cape Fear Community College

Editor Portals Literary Magazine at Cape Fear Community College

Continuing Education Professional at Cape Fear Community College

BLET Instructor at Cape Fear Community College

Communications Manager at Cape Fear Community College

Field Services Engineer at Cape Fear Community College

Director of the Surf City Center at Cape Fear Community College

Board Member, Board of Elections at Cape Fear Community College

President and Chief Operating Officer at Cape Fear Community College

Cape Fear Community College

Cape Fear Community College

Cape Fear Community College

Chief Empowerment Officer at Cape Fear Community College

Cape Fear Community College

Advancement Business Coordinator at Cape Fear Community College

Cape Fear Community College

Director of Health and Life Science - Continuing Education Department at Cape Fear Community College

Vice President, Client Development at Cape Fear Community College

Global Digital Manufacturing Product Owner at Cape Fear Community College

Director of Purchasing and Inventory at Cape Fear Community College

Marketing Specialist at Cape Fear Community College

Cape Fear Community College

Administrative Asst to Vice President for Instituitional Effectiveness and Planning at Cape Fear Community College

Professor of Biology and Microbiology at Cape Fear Community College

Director and Instructor at Cape Fear Community College

Instructor at Cape Fear Community College

Chair of Theatre at Cape Fear Community College

Airway Trasportation Systems Specialist at Cape Fear Community College