


Details about Callan

Institutional investors count on Callan for the advice and support to help simplify decision-making and create smarter investment plans.

Employees at Callan
Senior Vice President and Head of Diversity, Equity and Belonging at Callan

Assistant Vice President, Real Assets Consulting at Callan

Senior Vice President at Callan

Senior Vice President at Callan


General Counsel and Senior Vice President at Callan


Retired at Callan

Associate Consultant at Callan

EVP, Director of Research at Callan

Senior Vice President at Callan

Vice President at Callan


Business Development Consultant at Callan

Chief Technology Officer at Callan

Senior Vice President at Callan

Strategic Planning Program Manager at Callan

Senior Vice President at Callan

Assistant Vice President at Callan

Vice President - Investment Strategy Group at Callan


Vice President at Callan

Vice President at Callan

Senior Vice President, LDI Strategist and Client Portfolio Manager - Fixed Income at Callan

Senior Financial Analyst at Callan


Performance Analyst at Callan

Executive Assistant at Callan

Senior Vice President of Real Estate and Real Assets at Callan

Senior Operations Manager at Callan

Associate Consultant, Assistant Vice President at Callan

Vice President at Callan

Client Portfolio Manager at Callan

Senior Vice President at Callan

Senior Vice President, Capital Markets Research Group at Callan

Associate Portfolio Manager at Callan

Senior Account Executive at Callan


Senior Vice President, Alternatives Consulting at Callan


Senior Vice President and Manager of Published Research at Callan