
Brand Finance


Details about Brand Finance

Brand Finance is the world's leading independent brand valuation and strategy consultancy. We specialise in valuation of Intangible Assets. We help clients ensure that brand value can be measured and exploited to its full potential.

Employees at Brand Finance
Co-Founder and President at Brand Finance

Managing Director Middle East at Brand Finance

Chairman of the Board at Brand Finance

Executive Vice President and CFO at Brand Finance

Partner at Brand Finance

Head, Data Strategy at Brand Finance

Business Strategy Manager at Brand Finance

Senior Advisor at Brand Finance

PR Manager at Brand Finance

Co-Chair - Membership at Brand Finance

Managing Director, Brand Economics at Brand Finance

Associate Director at Brand Finance

Associate at Brand Finance

Marketing Lead at Brand Finance

Independent Consultant (Intermittent) at Brand Finance

Global Chief Marketing Officer at Brand Finance

CEO at Brand Finance

Managing Director, Romania at Brand Finance

Managing Director Nordics at Brand Finance