


Details about Beneficient

Unlock liquidity in your alternative assets with Beneficient - Ben, for short. Experience a rapid, cost-effective, and secure way to exit your investments through our tech-enabled platform. Get started now and explore the opportunities.

Employees at Beneficient
Trust Company President and Chief Fiduciary Officer at Beneficient

Chief Financial Officer at Beneficient

Deputy General Counsel at Beneficient

Accounting Manager at Beneficient

Chief Risk Officer at Beneficient

Accounting Manager at Beneficient

Head of Global HR Strategic Initiatives at Beneficient

Executive Vice President and Chief Legal Officer at Beneficient

Chief Financial Officer at Beneficient

Chief Risk Officer at Beneficient

Chief Financial Officer at Beneficient

Vice President of Investments at Beneficient

Senior Vice President - Taxation at Beneficient

Senior Vice President, Information and Infrastructure Services at Beneficient

VP, Information Security at Beneficient