Belfast City Council

Details about Belfast City Council

Information for residents about Belfast City Council services including events, tourism, bins and recycling, leisure and parking.



Employees at Belfast City Council
Tourism, Heritage, Culture and Arts Development Officer at Belfast City Council

Economic Development Officer at Belfast City Council

Retired at Belfast City Council

City Events Officer at Belfast City Council

Interim Financial Accountant at Belfast City Council

Belfast City Council

Head of Digital Services at Belfast City Council

Senior Planning Officer at Belfast City Council

Corporate Communications Student at Belfast City Council

Communications Manager at Belfast City Council

Graphic Designer at Belfast City Council

Management Accountant at Belfast City Council

Principal HR Advisor (Employee Resourcing) at Belfast City Council

Head of Commercial and Procurement Services at Belfast City Council

Strategic Director of Communities and Place at Belfast City Council

Belfast City Council

Belfast City Council

Belfast City Council

Belfast City Council

Managing Director at Belfast City Council

Economic Development at Belfast City Council

Managing Director - Fibrus Isp at Belfast City Council

Interim CI Lead and Project Manager at Belfast City Council

Enterprise and Business Growth Manager at Belfast City Council

Head Of Finance at Belfast City Council

Centre Manager - Centre for Advanced Sustainable Energy at Belfast City Council

Fellow at Belfast City Council

Belfast City Council

Economic Development Officer at Belfast City Council

City Innovation Broker at Belfast City Council

Principal HR and OD Advisor at Belfast City Council

Director of City and Organisational Strategy at Belfast City Council

Belfast City Council

Belfast City Council