
Basrah Gas Company


Details about Basrah Gas Company

Basrah Gas Company, built to utilize Basrah’s natural gas resources and convert it into much needed energy essential for the people of Iraq.

Employees at Basrah Gas Company
IT Project Engineer at Basrah Gas Company

Geo-Information Consultant at Basrah Gas Company

Ex Construction Manager Al-Zour Project Kuwait at Basrah Gas Company

Basrah Gas Company

Contracts and Procurement Engineer at Basrah Gas Company

Supply Officer at Basrah Gas Company

Logistics, Facilities and Infrastructure Manager at Basrah Gas Company

Mechanical Engineer at Basrah Gas Company

Lead Pipeline Operation Asset Engineer , TA ( Technical Authority ) at Basrah Gas Company

Infrastructure and Permitting Manager at Basrah Gas Company

Deputy Director CS at Basrah Gas Company

Planner at Basrah Gas Company

Deputy Director of Business Excellence and Opportunities Managements at Basrah Gas Company

Senior Project Engineer at Basrah Gas Company

Senior Advisor at Basrah Gas Company

CSU Coordinator at Basrah Gas Company

Project Engineer at Basrah Gas Company

Production Support Manager at Basrah Gas Company

Basrah Gas Company

Logistics Team Lead at Basrah Gas Company

Pipeline Manager at Basrah Gas Company