
Apoteket AB


Dalvägen 12, 169 70 Solna, Sweden

Details about Apoteket AB

Apoteket AB, Sweden's leading pharmacy operator and a beloved brand, is dedicated to your well-being. Offering a wide range of medications, carefully selected health products, and pharmaceutical services, we are here for you when you're sick and when y...

Year Founded


Employees at Apoteket AB
Egenvårdsrådgivare at Apoteket AB

Pharmacist at Apoteket AB

Områdeschef Kundservice at Apoteket AB

Chief Executive Officer at Apoteket AB

Country Manager Sweden, Life Europe AB at Apoteket AB

Category and Product innovation Manager at Apoteket AB

Apoteket AB

Apoteket AB

Leg Apotekare at Apoteket AB

Head of Enterprise PMO at Apoteket AB

Försäljningschef Och Seniorkonsult at Apoteket AB

Apoteket AB

Socialsekreterare at Apoteket AB

Chairman, Board Director and Business Advisor at Apoteket AB

Business developer at Apoteket AB

Strategisk inköpare at Apoteket AB

Marknadsområdeschef at Apoteket AB

Category Manager at Apoteket AB

Apoteket AB

IT manager at Apoteket AB

Senior Data Analyst, Data and Analytics at Apoteket AB

Divisionschef IT and CIO at Apoteket AB

Lösningsarkitekt Digital Arbetsplats at Apoteket AB

License Manager at Apoteket AB

Konsult inom Farmaci at Apoteket AB

Senior System Developer at Apoteket AB

CEO at Apoteket AB

Product Health Science Manager at Apoteket AB

LMA and Farmaceut at Apoteket AB

Sakkunnig, Apotek Hjärtat Logistik (AHL) at Apoteket AB

Market Access Manager at Apoteket AB

Leg receptarie at Apoteket AB

Kategorichef Egenvård at Apoteket AB

Driftchef på Apoteket Dos Orderberedning at Apoteket AB

Head of Development IT at Apoteket AB

Apoteket AB

Group Manager at Apoteket AB

Apoteket AB

Vigibase data specialist at Apoteket AB

Loss Prevention Manager at Apoteket AB

Receptarie at Apoteket AB

Global Head of Online at Apoteket AB

Space manager at Apoteket AB

Business Developer at Apoteket AB

Analytiker Varupåfyllnad at Apoteket AB

Communication and Employer Branding Intern at Apoteket AB

Change Manager at Apoteket AB

Administratör at Apoteket AB

Etableringschef at Apoteket AB

Chief Financial Officer at Apoteket AB