
137 Ventures


Details about 137 Ventures

137 Ventures is a multi-stage venture capital firm, investing across sectors with flexible capital. 137's core model is to provide structured liquidity to founders and executives, but also transacts through direct secondaries and primary financings. 137 Ventures' strategy provides founders a differentiated way to access liquidity vs. traditional secondary.

Employees at 137 Ventures
Executive Personal Assistant at 137 Ventures

Head Of Finance at 137 Ventures

Associate at 137 Ventures

Principal at 137 Ventures

Senior Accounting Manager at 137 Ventures

Partner, CFO and COO at 137 Ventures

Co-Founder at 137 Ventures

Co-Founder & Managing Partner at 137 Ventures

137 Ventures

Executive Assistant to Co-Founder at 137 Ventures

Investment Partner at 137 Ventures

Investment Partner at 137 Ventures

General Partner at 137 Ventures

Founder and Managing Director at 137 Ventures

Senior Associate at 137 Ventures